Final project for the university degree in Art and Design at Eina, Barcelona. A photo-essay of an investigation about the ruins of a territory. 175x125mm. If I had to put some hashtags: #architecture #adobewall #DAAR #materialexperimento #holes #are # containers #Otabind binding. Laser-cut cover cardboard. (November-July 2023)
Scale Reference.
A selection of hands and building envelopes under construction. Images from xmade. Printed at their office. Selected and edited by julia rodriguez.
297x210mm. Recycled Paper. (February 2025)
Niandra Lades
One-day exhibition at MACBA (Barcelona) with emerging artist Ignacio Garcia. Within the framework of the exhibition 108 días by Lydia Ourahmane. Niandra Lades starts from the materiality and composition of a space under renovation. We operate in the tower of the MACBA and carry out a reflection on the liminal spaces and their pictorial qualities. These threshold-spaces, or transition areas, have no functional value and do not invite any concrete action, but rather arouse a strangeness, a dissociation from real space and time, which we wanted to study.the spaces under renovation present an extraordinary sum of materials, such as painter’s felt or kraft paper. The ribbons assemble the different pieces of protection creating a patchwork that traces new horizon lines enlarging the space and its emptiness. Everyday objects are centralized in the space to give way to a change. The protection with plastic fabrics recalls the value of the skin and the veil in baroque painting, in this space between a #before and an #after.
(March 2024)
Otre l’Orizzonte.
Layout for the catalog of Giovanni Anselmo. MAXXI, Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome. Ediciones Polígrafa. 297x210mm (June 2024)
Din A4 roof.
Installation at Manifesto space to host the exhibition of Yannis and Antonella. 300 sheets of paper taped together to form a net.
297x210mm (May 2024)
Buit Infinit Publication.
A publication as a container of the different practices carried out in a seminar. Empty housing in Manresa as a research space for different artists and urban planners. Coordinated by Oriol Fontdevila.
Research, archive of 50 sealed doors and modification of 3 surrealist stories by J. V. Foix to talk about empty housing. Graphic design with Diego Saiz. 297x210mm (January-May 2024)